What better way to start the month of March than with some new green inspired earrings. These new bell cascading earrings were created as part of my 100 days of jewelry challenge. They are the first pair of earrings this year that came about by experimenting with both color and design which is my ultimate goal for the 100 day challenge...so I am really happy with them, but what I like most about them is that the whole reason I was experimenting in the first place was that I had made a mistake with the copper shapes. I was about to just give up on them and chalk it off as a lost, but since I had several of the copper shapes available, I wanted to see what I could do with them, and I am really glad that I did!

Overall, the 100 days of jewelry challenge got off to a slow start, but I have definitely been learning from it. I started the challenge by starting a big production run of earrings. At the time I thought this would be the best approach to help replenish my stock in the most efficient way. But what I discovered was that by doing such a large batch, it took me longer to actually get earrings completed which led to some frustration and discouragement. Also, the work seemed less creative and took the enjoyment out of my process! Since then, I have changed my approach by switching to small batches which has had several advantages. The first one is that small batches can be completed in less time getting jewelry into stock quicker (which gives me a sense of accomplishment). Also, when working with small batches, I typically work with different color palettes and styles at the same time allowing me to be more creative.
With the implementation of small batches, I am definitely picking up steam with the 100 days of jewelry challenge.